History - Jesu Rex admirabilis

Dec 07, 2021 (rleduc)

Fixed notes a -men of Amen; also my system needed a space before each bar to avoid stray hyphens.

2. Qu(h)ando(h) cor(h) nos(h)trum(d) ví(f)si(e)tas,(d) (,) Tunc(h) lu(h)cet(i) e(g)i(h) vé(j)ri(i)tas,(h) (;) Mun(h)di(i) vi(j)lés(k)cit(j) vá(h)ni(j)tas,(ivHG) (,) Et(h) in(h)tus(i) fer(g)vet(e) cá(g)ri(h)tas.(h) (::) 3. Je(h)su(h) dul(h)cé(h)do(d) cór(f)di(e)um,(d) (,) Fons(h) vi(h)vus,(i) lu(g)men(h) mén(j)ti(i)um,(h) (;) Ex(h)cé(i)dens(j) om(k)ne(j) ga(h)ú(j)di()um,(ivHG) (,) Et(h) om(i)ne(j) de(g)si(e)dé(g)ri(h)um.(h) (::) 4. Je(h)sum(h) om(h)nes(h) a(d)gnó(f)sci(e)te,(d) (,) A(h)mó(h)rem(i) e(g)jus(h) pós(j)ci(i)te:(h) (;) Je(h)sum(i) ar(j)dén(k)ter(j) quǽ(h)ri(j)te,(ivHG) (,) Quæ(h)rén(i)do(j) in(g)ar(e)dé(g)sci(h)te.(h) (::) 5. Te(h) nos(h)tra,(h) Je(h)su,(d) vox(f) so(e)net,(d) (,) Nos(h)tri(h) te(i) mo(g)res(h) éx(j)pri(i)mant,(h) (;) Te(h) cor(i)da(j) nos(k)tra(j) dí(h)li(j)gant,(ivHG) (,) Et(h) nunc,(i) et(j) in(g) per(e)pé(g)tu(h)um.(h) (::) A(hih)men.(fgh) (::)
